Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sink Back Into the Ocean

In honor of NaNoWriMo, I'm going to write out this month like a novel.


Hubby left around noon, only she didn't really want him to leave this time.  He got a speeding ticket in the middle of nowhere, so that was another $115 that she didn't have in the hole.  She understood that it was just bad timing (he was going 35 in a 25), but she was still so angry with him.  She tried to keep it to herself and tracked his road trip through the iPhone location details.

When he texted that he got home safe, a wave of loneliness swept over here, along with a little relief.  It wasn't that she didn't love him, but being alone was so refreshing.  She thought of all the things she was going to be able to get done.  She wanted to move all the existing boxes to the garage now that his car was out.  She so needed something to feel real about this move.  She hadn't heard back from her friend at the cell phone company, and it was starting to make her nervous.  She really needed that job, now more than ever.

At work she decided to catch up on "The Affair" since she had only seen the first episode.  It had a title sequence with a Fiona Apple song now, and it felt appropriate.  She felt bad for Pacey getting cheated on.

Much like Gotham, she was having a hard time with this show in regards to motive.  She didn't see why these two were attracted to each other (let alone why their stories didn't match), or why Jim Gordon stayed in Gotham for no reason other than his family is from there.  If her family was from Gotham she wouldn't want to go back for them or any other reason.


I'm sucking at this 3rd person BS.  It was a tough 11 days, but I'm going to stop tomorrow.


Sarah Kosher Lobster said...

Ha, I thought you were in the swing of third person perspective!

TextPro said...

Thanks. It was just getting harder, and I noticed near the end of this one that I slipped back into first person and had to go back and fix everything. I was tapped out.