Sunday, November 16, 2014


Well taking my car in didn't work out, they only had 2 guys in the shop today so I told them I'd swing by on Thursday instead.  I did get my hair cut, and she turned my pixie into a nice clean Gatsby-esque bob, so I'm pretty happy about that.  Not ready to go back to work tomorrow, playing hooky was much more fun.

My friend R was so excited that I was seeing Interstellar today that he sent me an email to read after I watched the movie (we are in different time zones right now so he was going to be asleep by the time I got out.)  This was his email and my responses in italics:

1. Too many famous actors, took me out of the movie.
Yuh.  Was like the American Harry Potter.  Or white Roots.  Only one person of color in the movie?  Da Future!

2. Why didn't Secret NASA find Cooper sooner if he's the best bet to SAVE HUMANITY? Explore all options!

Nah, cause it was all a lie, remember?  He took him away from his kids for NOTHING!!!

3. Entire Casey Affleck story on Earth. Unneeded. Why so angry? Your family is dying! Then suddenly not angry after fire?
Agreed.  Could have had whole story without son.

4. Why is Murph still so pissed off even as an adult? She works there now. She knows why he had to go.
Maybe is like death.  She got stuck at the angry side of grief and didn't leave.  Like my mom.  (that got serious, I didn't mean it that seriously.  She's just a really good example.)

5. He wants nothing more than to see her again. Finally does, mini visit, ok see ya! Family doesn't even care that hey, this is our famous great great grandfather!
Yuh.  She kept talking after, so gonna choose to believe that it went on longer, just didn't show.

6. Library books, watch, cubes sequence. Wat. More science plz
You  peace.  understanding.  weed.  hippies.  whatevs.

7. Topher out of no where.
Yuh, Rando Topher.  He was on the set one day and was like "Hey, every other white person is in this movie, why wasn't I invited?"  "Okay Topher, you can be the boyfriend.  We feel bad your last movie was that horrible Spiderman sequel."

8. Matt Damon character one of smartest people alive. Makes dumb mistakes.

9. He has no interest in seeing what happened to his son when back home?
Nope.  Could've done the whole movie without him.  Proves it.  Also, he wants to go out and meet Brand?  He spent just under a year with her in "real time" and there was no indication of romance.  "She okay?  That's good." done.

10. We ALL know who is sending messages back in time. It's not a twist if we already know. Stop it M. Night.
LoLz, I didn't think about it.  Once it happened though, was like "of course."

11. He enters the black hole.. but exits at the worm hole entrance by Saturn?
Sure.  It's all connected.  It's a small world after all. LoLz j/k

12. Robots are pretty cool.
TARS is no WALL-E.  Never even really knew what it stood for.  I wish they had auto-tuned it a little, thought there was a rando person in the ship with them at points.  Wish you could up the humor level on humans sometimes. 

My thoughts:
The spinning dock scene was awesome.  Almost felt like I was spinning, was cool.  Overall I really liked the movie, but I was a little cranky with small things, like why?  They never fully explain what happened to turn everywhere on earth into Las Vegas?  Also, if you know dust storms happen 24/7, WHY WOULD YOU EVER OPEN YOUR WINDOW??? 
Wished that in front of the remade house was the truck that STILL HAD A FLAT TIRE!  You can't off-road a car that long on a flat crazy-pants! The science was way shaky, at a certain point I had to be like "You know what I'm just gonna go with it cause it's too much work to keep up with all the inaccuracies."
Overall I really liked it, it was way better than Gravity (and had more to do with gravity), and the acting was far better.  I'm still not 100% on why they had to spin out all that way though.

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