Saturday, November 22, 2014


I woke up around 5AM with massive stomach pain.  I had already had a drink with the guys last night and so I really didn't want to also have a pain pill, but it was so bad (or I was just so tired) that I started crying and just took a pill.  It didn't end up really kicking in until an hour later, but at least I got back to sleep.  It's starting to hurt a little again, so I think I'm just not going to bed without one.  I really need my full 8 hours of sleep, and to fall asleep before the husband so I can get into REM before he starts his snore-a-thon.

Hubby took me to work today so he could borrow the car for holiday food shopping.  Apparently we are going to be all alone for the first time in our 10 year marriage on Thanksgiving day.  Hubby wants a real introvert Thanksgiving, as he turned down an invite from G last night to attend his dinner.  This holiday is the only time I want to be an extrovert, so I was a little sad about that. 

Hopefully next year will be filled with family and we won't have to ever have one alone again.  I feel so displaced from this house sale, like we don't live there anymore and it's just a place we are staying.  I just want to get on with my life.  Hopefully they will finish everything up on Monday and I can put in my 2 weeks.  I've wanted to put in my two weeks for so long that every time I type "2" or "tw" my phone auto-fills in 2 weeks.  Even my phone is sick of this waiting shit.

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