Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lazy Lunching Day

 Another day without anyone coming to see the house.  I'm trying not to panic.

We had lunch at TGIFridays with G before he had to go to work at the movie theater.  Everything important in his life is basically down to decorating the theatre for Halloween.  He decided to make it Ghostbuster themed and is having a lot of trouble with Slimer.  I wasn't really interested, but I listened.  I had a small steak because I had been eating like crap the last few days.  Hubby had a salad, and said he was full.  I doubted it.

A couple of hours later we were both hungry and decided to get a small McSushi from Sam's Club.  I had to pick up a prescription, so we were going there anyway.  Out of all the McSushi out there, I would really say that is the best.

We drove home getting into a fight about Christmas again.  Fight is a strong word, more like a heated discussion.  I hate that it is getting earlier and earlier every year, as I had to walk by the Christmas trees to get to the pharmacy at Sam's.  It is Hubby's favorite holiday, and I feel bad getting down on it, but I hate the commercialism.  When I was a kid it was nice to have a month of looking forward to something.  Now I hate it before the month even arrives.  I also hate that it's not about goodwill towards men anymore, but just about getting presents for everyone that you don't even like that much.  It's aggressive and people suck.

Hubby doesn't agree, but he also isn't a borderline empath that feels other people's emotions like I am.  We have this fight every year, and every year I still hate what Christmas has become.  I doesn't really help that I'm Jewish either I guess.

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