Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thanks Dad

I woke up feeling refreshed, then fear struck my heart.  I never feel refreshed, so something must be wrong.  I looked at the clock and my alarm had not gone off.  I should have left the house a half hour before I woke up.  I swore, got up and scrambled out the door.  I called to say that I was going to be late, and I looked a hot mess.

Though it was 8:30, the roads were clear.  Though I had to walk 4 blocks to get to the classroom, I made it with a minute to spare.  My father was famous for this kind of thing.  He would always walk into an airport and magically make it just as they were about to shut the doors.  He'd sit down at the movie theater just as the movie was starting, in a seat magically in the right place.  I was never that lucky until today.

I think it was just my dad with me today, giving me his good luck.  Thanks Dad!

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