Friday, October 10, 2014

Ack, My Bones!

The concert was a lot of fun, and it was so nice reconnecting with my friend.  I'll miss her so much when I'm gone, she's one of those people you always wish does well.  She's so unsure of herself and self conscious, when she's really just awesome.  She's one of those people that deserves all the happiness in the world.

My body did not keep up with my head last night, and my feet and lower back were hurting by the time that the opener was finished.  I was feeling it hardcore today, and it was one of the only times since I've given up painkillers that I really wanted one.  I rode it out though, and was actually feeling much better by the end of the day.  I'm certainly going to try and get my future children to go homeopathic rather than have them swallow a pill every time they get a skinned knee.

Even though I was in pain, it was so busy that I didn't notice too much and the day went by quickly.  A co-worker asked about Hubby, and I had to say that he was away indefinitely.  She thought we were getting a divorce.  I told her I'd explain it to her away from prying eyes and ears.  Sadly she left when I was at lunch so I didn't get to let her know.  I'll fill her in tomorrow.

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