Monday, April 28, 2014

Money Makes The World Go Round

The only way I could get hubby out of the house was to tempt him with Sushi.  We went to pick up my prescriptions and run some errands.  Then it took me until around 9 at night to get my sister and hubby out of the house to go grocery shopping.  They both decided, being the cooks of the house, they wanted to make cheesecake.  My sister's card got denied, so I had to pay around $60 for groceries.  I'm not even supposed to be eating sugars or carbs, so I essentially paid for food I'm not going to get to eat.

If I was the breadwinner of the family, it wouldn't be such a big deal.  But I make almost less than half of what hubby makes, and my money gets very tight.  Yet I still feel like I end up paying for more stuff, and it does cause me some of that stress I'm trying to avoid.  How does one avoid stress that seems unavoidable?

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