Saturday, June 05, 2010


Even though I feel as if it's not quite over, I'm still going through a recovery process.  I didn't think ending a friendship would take recovery, I would just be better the next day.  The sun would be shinning, and I'd go on with my life.

But as the weeks went on, I was told by my friends more than once that I was over explaining things, that they understood.  It was then I realized how much who I was had actually been effected by the past couple years.  It made me think of the first Sex and the City movie where Miranda screams at Steve: "I changed who I was for you!"

For me, I hadn't even realized I had changed.  When it was pointed out to me, I was devastated.  Devastated that it had taken me that long to get out of, essentially, an abusive relationship.  I didn't think it was abusive until I was out.

So my heart goes out to all those girl's in REALLY abusive relationships.  It's so hard to see how bad it is when you are in it, I see that now.  And it's going to take work to get me back to where I was.  And that's so sad.


Sarah said...

It's one of those things you have to go through to understand. It just is.

I'm so sorry you had to go through an experience of being abused. It's not okay and it's not right.

I will kick anyone in the taco that you need me to :)

TextPro said...

No Taco-kicking necessary. I just hope it's actually over. It's still hard. I care about her. I want her to be a better person. But I can't sacrifice myself anymore.