Sunday, December 21, 2014

Strained Relations

I finally got hubby to help me dye my hair today. It made me feel more human to take care of myself for a little while.

Then I went over to BFF'S house for a little bit. We walked a few blocks around her neighborhood looking for a house for us to rent/buy. We found a couple of places, but no one will take us without jobs. I really hope my one call back comes through in the end. 

I got back to mom's and the fatigue just came over me. I had only walked about a mile according to the new fitbit my mom had gotten me, so why was I so tired?

Hubby was out getting washers for our new shower head and getting a haircut. It was just me and mom. So of course she used that opportunity to complain about hubby and my sister about the lack of work that they do. She was mad that he'd left the house too late to pick up salmon from the place she wanted. She didn't want to go out to dinner when asked though. So hubby picked up some pork and made this amazing dish with lemon and capers. He even got asparagus which is one of my favorites. Of course I got to eat on my lap because mom didn't clear off the table. She doesn't want to get rid of anything. 

We really need to get a job, get out, and leave her to just rot here. It's what she wants. 

After dinner, even though I was on the brink of sleep, we went around to see the Xmas lights. There were many fun ones in the area, but they were really far apart. I'm try and post a video later, the mobile app won't let me do it here. 

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