Thursday, July 20, 2006

But, I Thought I Was Awesome...What Happened?

"You don't get along with all people."

At first I resisted it. I mean, I'm totally lovable. I'm funny, I'm cute, and I'm fair. Above all I try to look at both sides of something before I jump to conclusions. I love to laugh and have fun with everyone I interact with.

I'm also extremely self-righteous. I'm vigilante. I chatter a lot. Random things come into my head, and I think they are funny, so I say them. It's hard for me to admit that some people might not like me.

Is this just a healthy self-image, to think that I'm great to be around? Or is it deluded? I try and be nice to everyone, and I never thought I was one of those people that had to...For lack of a better term, "got." You know how some people say "They just don't get me?"

I put everything out there for everyone to see. I don't hold anything back or try to lie unless it's to protect someone's feelings. I like to make people laugh.

I never thought it was hard to understand me.

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