Monday, April 19, 2010

Off the Grid

I want so badly to be off the grid.  I go online and it's like idiot after idiot posting their stupid Facebook status updates.  Complaining about stuff they don't actually care about when it comes down to it, they just type to see themselves in print.

Whatever happened to only speaking if you had something to say?  It seems people just make excuses to speak now.  They say something without realizing what it is before it's halfway out of their mouths.

One of the people I follow on Twitter told me that he felt like he hit a moment of Zen when he walked away from Facebook for a week.  I'm thinking about that seriously.  I need to get off the grid and concentrate on working out and getting the new house ready for my Mom to see at the beginning of May.  I can't wait for her to come and see the new house and for us to go out and do stuff.  With the last time I saw her being the anniversary of my Dad's death, it wasn't exactly an exciting trip for the both of us.

It won't be that hard to go off the grid with Facebook.  Let's see how a week goes...


TextPro said...

I made it a little over 24 hours. I just had to check something, the notification emails kept calling to me! People wanted to be my friend! Facebook, I can't quit you!

Sarah said...

When I went to see my grandma, I quit the whole Internet for a week! But it's not like I had any options when Al Gore has yet to invent the Internet in rural North Carolina.

I have to say, it was refreshing.