Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Are You Talking About Me?

List ten things you want to say to ten people you know, but never will for whatever reason. Don't say who they are. Use each person only once.

  1. I'm free with you because I think you are the only person who understands and is always on my side. If you ever "played Devil's advocate" I don't think I would like you anymore.
  2. Did you ever know that during that period of my life you could've gotten me to do anything? If you did, thank you for not making me do anything crazy.
  3. I wish we connected in person like we do online. I could use someone like you now.
  4. You said you didn't want me to lie to you. When I told you the truth, you got angry. Make up your mind or get out of my life, I don't have time for your crap.
  5. Without you, I would die.
  6. I'm sorry I was such a drag. Thanks for sticking by me as long as you did. I don't blame you for eventually leaving.
  7. Why didn't you tell me you were gay? It would've saved us years of wasted time when we could've been friends.
  8. I appriciate everything you do for me so much. You always run before I can thank you.
  9. It might seem small to you, but I will never forgive you.
  10. You are right; things will never be the same. Let's just go our seperate ways.

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