Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Experiencing Life...Live.

I have to vent: I hate social networking so fucking much. I am SO sick of passive aggressive, plain aggressive, and deliberately vague status updates.

There is nowhere else on earth to be direct and to the point, so stop being vague. Don't say "Is thinking of someone special..." Get up off your ass and find that person, and tell them. The rest of us don't give a shit.

"Please pray for Joe in his time of need." Who is Joe, and why do I need to pray for him? Does God really listen to vague-ass prayers like that? I don't think so.

" :-) " That's not a status update. That doesn't tell me what is going on in your life, or what you are up to.

All I'm asking is just to use status updates for actual status updates, not some bullshit thing that you claim you don't even want to talk about. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, STOP POSTING IT ON THE FUCKING INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/end rant.

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