Thursday, October 30, 2014

Car Troubles

I woke up with a raging headache and didn't want to go anywhere.  It didn't go away, but only got worse when Hubby took his car in to find out that the radiator was cracked, there was a busted strut, and the tires and shocks needed replacing.   It came to $3, we don't have because he's out of a job.  He was going to have trouble paying the mortgage that was less than half that.

To add insult to injury, the buyer for the house wants $5,000 for repairs.  There is nothing in the house to repair, everything the home inspection stated that the only things wrong were cosmetic. There was one crack in the wall to fix due to the house settling, and that was it.  The one crack was listed three times in the report because the man literally had nothing else to put in the report.

We said we wouldn't pay them any money, but fix most of the things on the list.  Hubby is going to get started on it tomorrow, but he is going to have to go back to my mom's soon and get a job to pay for this day until we can unload this house.

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